“She is on fire! With eyes for tomorrow, Oh! She is fearless Beyond all shadows, There is no looking back, As she trusts the charm Of Learning, of Resilience Of Her Newfound Udaan” (Her Success Story)
Udaan is a flight into mainstream society for the daughters of women in prostitution. In this program we work with the aim to end the cycle of intergenerational prostitution, which is a serious threat to these girls in their adolescent and teenage years. With complete healthcare, nutrition, shelter, psychological and academic support, we help them integrate into the mainstream for a dignified future that helps their mothers out of prostitution.

Our outreach workers identify potential Udaan beneficiaries and start building a rapport by interacting with them and their mothers. The mother is informed about the facilities, services and benefits of enrolling their daughter with Udaan. Once enrolled, we keep a track on the progress and evolving needs of every beneficiary with periodic school visits, individual interaction and monthly meetings. Shelter home visits are arranged for the mothers to meet their daughters and they are kept updated on their progress.

Daily meals and nutrition supplements are provided to all beneficiaries. Apart from subsidized hospital care and medication, we also help the beneficiaries with hospital referrals, if and when the need arises. First aid, regular medical camps, monthly medical checkups, health workshops (on hygiene, reproductive health, etc.), and other awareness programs are conducted periodically. The girls also learn yoga and karate to build a strong psycho- physical balance. Every beneficiary receives counseling and therapies to help them address their personal issues ranging from family to career choices.

Financial literacy sessions are regularly conducted for the Udaan beneficiaries. The benefits of saving are witnessed first-hand by the girls as we help their mothers open and maintain a savings account for their daughters’ future. Through workshops and programs, our beneficiaries learn about bank processes, government schemes, various investment options, calculations etc. and eventually they are able to help their mothers with financial activities.

The girls are enrolled in kindergarten class, schools and colleges for formal education and are also provided with tutoring support at the center. Through the spoken English and other educational courses provided, our beneficiaries develop strong academic capabilities. We review their progress monthly to identify and provide any additional support, if required. We sponsor the coaching fees to ensure unhindered learning for the Udaan beneficiaries.

From official identity documents to human rights awareness, the beneficiaries are given all the necessary tools for empowerment. Vocational skills like music, dance, drama, karate are taught through well planned programs and expert speakers conduct workshops on life skills, career guidance, social awareness etc.

Our beneficiaries enjoy community bonding activities as we arrange theme park visits and carnivals for them every year. We celebrate all major festivals, religious days and also secular celebrations like Human Rights Day with the girls. They eagerly look forward to Udaan’s celebrations with their friends and colleagues.

The girls who face a particularly unsafe environment at their homes stay at the AAWC day and night shelter. They are also referred to other safe shelter homes, after a thorough scrutiny.